Saving Lives, Sustaining Livelihoods is the mantra and vision of Relief International (RI). We were fortunate this week to visit with the leadership of RI in Los Angeles and learn more about their progress and efforts towards helping those who typically have not or are not receiving due attention in crises around the world, focusing on long term developmental needs, goals and programs.
Founded in 1990, RI provides emergency, rehabilitation and development services that empower beneficiaries in the process. RI’s programs include health, shelter construction, education, community development, agriculture, food, income-generation, and conflict resolution. RI employs an innovative approach to program design and a high quality of implementation performance in demonstrating deep and lasting impact in reducing human suffering worldwide.
Our thanks to RI President and CEO Farshad Rastegar, Bin Su and Hannah Roeyer for their time and we look forward to exploring more with RI how we can work together to help them achieve there important mission and goals in the world. For more information on RI, please visit:
In service,
Posted in: General Blog