Orlando was green in more than one way today as the BetterWorld Train rolled into town. In addition the spring monsoon passing through central Florida, GreenCities Orlando is the first installment in the GreenCities Tour (www.greencities.com), orchestrated by BetterWorld friend, customer and partner, Seven Star Productions. There was a great turnout and the kickoff event set the tone for sure as it turns to Huntsville, AL and New York City later in the year.
It was great to see a number of familiar faces, including Mickey and her team from Carbon Concierge (pictured), we had just seen each other last weekend at BGI in Seattle.
I presented the newly minted BetterWork deck to an enthusiastic group, the BetterWork concepts definitely are hitting a chord with most audiences and we look forward to many other upcoming events where we will be evangelizing the BetterWork philosophies. One of the great discussions today was centered around neighborhood or community temporary work centers where remote workers could get out of the house, stay in the general area (bike/walk/etc.), working alongside their neighbors and community.
In addition, fellow SVN member Terry Gipps added sage advice that we need to expand some of our definitions to include other GHG contributors and to not just focus on Carbon as the issue, also, mining for computers and devices is not sustainable and device reduction or minimalization should be part of the equation….great stuff!!! Thanks to all who participated.
On to BALLE!