BetterWorld was out at the Soundry this past Monday along with the Sustainable Business Network of Washington to support a showcase of local artist talent and foster sustainable collaboration. The innovative space of the Soundry, a former auto body shop now converted into a public coffee shop, art gallery, and shared studio space for
local artists and musicians provided a rich backdrop for the opening of their “Green is Beautiful” Sustainable Artwork show.
The Soundry has member artists from all backgrounds and disciplines, a result of a mission focused on getting artists out of their basements and into the community by providing affordable space and support. The art show itself highlighted sustainability with a focus on rethinking’junk' and reducing what we discard by getting more creative with uses.
BetterWorld was thrilled to be there to support local artists who are focused on sustainability. We’re also excited about the shift towards working paradigms that are similar to BetterWork ideas. The Soundry itself is closely aligned with BetterWork priniciples of getting more balance and autonomy for the business professional; it supports and encourages a more rounded and wholesome lifestyle by providing a space for the many creative facets and artistic talents of its members. Art and Sustainability, what could be better!
– The BetterWorld Team
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