Plug into the sun!
Tucked away on a semi-quiet street in Berkeley, CA lies one of the more amazing companies we’ve met yet – BetterEnergy Systems has basically created a whole new industry segment around renewable gadgets – portable solar charging devices, recycled (from truck tires) device carriers and cases, and with a whole list of new and innovative products to soon hit the market.
BetterEnergy/Solio envisions a massive shift in energy delivery and infrastructure to combat global warming. Their belief is that making renewable technology accessible to the average person will speed this shift. Solio, the flagship product, was conceived as a'trojan horse' for the renewable energy market; a versatile hand-held charger that opens the lives and minds of consumers to the potential of solar.
Coincidentally, we were able to stop by the Solio booth at the CTIA show this week and take in all their products and how popular they have become. We’re already big Solio fans and will be doing all we can to help them connect with our customers and partners. They are available at a number of outlets, you can stop by Best Buy or go online to order your own renewable gadgets –
Posted in: General Blog